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*** Clean.ReadMe ***
"Clean" is my favorite 8-point font. It is similar to "Topaz", but is
sans-serif, for a cleaner, less-cluttered appearance. The characters aren't
"fat", like the "Pearl" or "Amiga" fonts - I think those fonts look cramped.
I used to use "SetFont" to install Clean, but it only affected the text in
windows, CLI windows and requesters; the text under icons, for example, was
unaffected. When I tried Microsmiths' "FastFonts", it refused to install
Clean, giving the error message that it was a proportional font. This was
despite the fact that the font editor, "Fed" (on the "Extras" disk), loaded
and saved it as a fixed-width font. This was VERY frustrating. Recently,
"Fed V1.3" became available on the release version of WorkBench 1.3, and lo
and behold, the bug was fixed! It turns out that the older versions of Fed
ALWAYS saved the font as proportional, no matter WHAT the menu selection
was. The simple expedient of loading the font and re-saving it as fixed-
width fixed the font, and FastFonts will now install it, COMPLETELY
replacing the "Topaz 8" font. I am making this available now because
FastFonts is included with WorkBench 1.3. To install this using
"FastFonts", the syntax is:
FF > NIL: clean.font
This works from either CLI or your Startup-Sequence (the "> NIL:" supresses
the FastFonts startup-message).
The files in this archive associated with this font:
1) ReadMe - this file.
2) clean.font - the spec-file for this font.
3) Clean-8 - the 8-point "clean" font itself.
4) Install-Font - a file which, when executed, installs "clean" in your
current "Fonts:" directory. You can also read this file for
instructions on how to do the job yourself...
Tips on dealing with this archive:
I almost always de-ARC a file to a directory within RAM. Wherever you
have de-ARCed this file to, be sure to "Cd" to that directory (this
directory?) to make "Install-Font" work correctly.
Have FUN!
Note: "Clean.font" in its original form appeared on a FISH disk, probably
FISH 36 or thereabouts - I want to thank its creator, whoever it was!
Michael Rudas, C.E.T.
Technical Support Guy
Incognito Software, Inc.
BBS: (313) 462-2186
Voice: (313) 462-2148